ACT Online Classes
13 hours of self-paced, pre-recorded video content.
Free 2-day shipping via USPS Priority Mail, shipped within 24 hours
2 years’ access to the online version of the class
IT and Instructor Support— contact us here if you have any trouble logging in or have questions
$55 upgrade to an in-person class if desired at a later date
In addition to your purchase above, you will also need to purchase The Official ACT Prep Guide from Amazon ($30)—(If you already have this book, you don’t need to purchase another one.)
“I cannot thank you enough for your online ACT class. I’m extremely grateful for the silver lining in the COVID-19 season, that you were able to make your program available for all students. After seven months of many test cancellations, my senior was finally able to take the ACT. He chose to complete your online course three times during that time and was even able to take the ACT again in September, just in time to submit the scores for college applications. He was able to raise his score 6 points!! He has so far received two college acceptance letters with merit scholarships. As a homeschooling family, I can’t express just how much this means to all of us. I want to affirm that what you are doing is effective and excellent! The confidence your program gave my son is worth gold. Thank you again for taking a leap of faith to put your course online. I’ve been telling everyone about your online class, and my younger three children are excited to take it in the future.”
—Homeschooling Family from Portland, Oregon

You can do it now.
You can view excerpts of the online class below. Most students appreciate the laid-back teaching style, the simplification of the testing process, and how hard concepts are presented in simple, easy-to-understand ways.
A note from the ACT Mom…
Why I Resisted an Online Class for So Long
From the moment my students started having success in my in-person classes, people told me that I needed to put what I had learned into an online class format. I resisted. I declined. I flat out said, “NO!” It felt inauthentic to me. As a counselor, I was never interested in building a huge business or “going on shark tank.” I simply wanted to teach the one student sitting in front of me. I felt like every student was a divine appointment. An online class felt too distant and removed.
However, the global pandemic of 2020 brought my in-person classes to an abrupt stop. I canceled and refunded three months of classes in a two-week time frame. I planned to simply hunker down with my family in Lexington, Kentucky. However, on one particular afternoon in March 2020, I answered a phone call from Dr. Carol Christian, the director of The Craft Academy. She was adamant that I put my in-person class into an online format. Now was the time. She said that there were smart kids all over the state of Kentucky who desperately needed my help, and they would never have the opportunity to attend one of my in-person classes.
“If you aren’t interested in teaching to the masses,” she said, “perhaps you would be willing to teach to that ONE STUDENT who would never make it into one of your in-person classes. Perhaps you would be willing to teach that ONE STUDENT who needed confidence and guidance to tackle this test. Could you create an online class that would change the life of just ONE STUDENT?”
She offered all of the resources of the Craft Academy to make it happen.
I told her that I would need to think about it. But, changing the life of just ONE STUDENT resonated with me. I had been running myself ragged teaching classes all over the state and now my whole calendar had just instantly cleared. Amazingly, my husband already had the skills needed to film, edit, and create an online class. He simply needed a teacher who was ALL IN.
We ordered cameras, lights, and microphones and rented out a classroom in a church two minutes from our home. For the next three months, we worked tirelessly putting our best effort into our work. I looked into that camera, and I taught my heart out to that ONE STUDENT who I knew I would never meet. I did everything I knew to do to help that ONE STUDENT raise their score so that they could have easier access to higher education.
I was still unsure if the online class would connect with anybody. But, now almost four years past those early days of the pandemic, I am continually shocked by how many people it has helped. Because of the way it is structured, offering even more practice questions and insight than the in-person class, students all over the country are having success on the ACT.
In January of 2021, I got this email:
“My son has enjoyed and greatly benefited from your online course. Thank you for the work you have put into each and every lesson. Your commitment to young people is so apparent in each and every one.”
This email brought me to tears. The intangible quality that I was so afraid of losing in the online class was still there. And I am still here, four years later, with a little more confidence now to share what I have learned. I am also so thankful for Keith, my team, and my friend and co-worker, Karen, who ships out online orders like these—daily—to families all over the United States.

“My 15-year-old daughter and I are crying right now.
Last April she got a 27 on the ACT. We started your online program in December, working diligently through your videos and practice tests, and she just got her score from April 4….a 34!!!!! 30 on math and 35 on the other three areas. Thank you SO much!!” ~ a happy mom
“I am a college professor with a doctorate, but I still didn’t know how to help my daughter increase her ACT score.
So we came to you, an expert, and I’m so glad we did! We did the online version of the class, watched the videos together, printed out the practice ACTs, and practiced a lot! You were recommended by my friend who used your program. Her daughter also went from a 27 to a 34!!” ~a thankful parent